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Site Changes
September 10 2024, 0958 PST (UTC -8)
Updated the Dennoverse wiki link to my own site because Fandom closed it down without warning or notifying me (Thankfully everything is still there)December 12 2023, 2019 PST (UTC +8)
Haven't had much time to update things around here but I'm still alive and kickingOctober 1 2023, 1937 PST (UTC+8)
Ya boy's a supporter now! I was never in any danger of hitting the data cap (and frankly never will be), I just like the freedom Neocities offers!September 27 2023, 0605 PST (UTC+8)
Added a "Misc Writing" section in my blog. Also some new Rainy Day scans.September 25 2023, 0428 PST (UTC+8)
Added a "Go Home" button to the extra pages.September 23 2023, 2326 PST (UTC+8)
Updated main blog and added a few buttons I meant to add earlier.September 21 2023, 1404 PST (UTC+8)
Added some things to the outlinks section, along with a (slowly) growing collection of 90's magazine covers concerning the interwebz.September 20 2023, 2203 PST (UTC+8)
Added several things to the gallery, including the new photos and shitposts section.September 19 2023, 1506 PST (UTC+8)
Updated several blogs and forgot to put them in the changelogs < / 3.September 14 2023, 1506 PST (UTC+8)
Updated novel blog, added more images to the gallery.September 13 2023, 1640 PST (UTC+8)
Overhauled the gallery! Now I have a lot more room and less constraint on the layout! Just uh... mind the bouncer.September 11 2023, 1640 PST (UTC+8)
Added more images to the gallery. Really hate how its set up, will probably change it later.September 10 2023, 1028 PST (UTC+8)
Added a main blog after all the other blogs, because THAT makes a lot of senseSeptember 10 2023, 0852 PST (UTC+8)
Added a music section because I couldn't figure out what else to fill that empty space with :pSeptember 9 2023, 0903 PST (UTC+8)
Updated the novel blog.September 6 2023, 1723 PST (UTC+8)
Attempting to add a chat box, hold on to your asses.It works, chatbox courtesy of Ayano!
September 3 2023, 2209 PST (UTC+8)
Updated the Novel blog. I also added inner-links to jump between different blog entries, a change I'll roll out to the other blogs when they get too big.September 2 2023, 2340 PST (UTC+8)
Attempted to make the layout more mobile friendly but a bunch of stuff broke so I rolled it back. Backups, people!August 30 2023, 2209 PST (UTC+8)
Updated the Novel blogAugust 30 2023, 0244 PST (UTC+8)
Added a "Rainy Day Scan" section to showcase a weird hobby I haveAugust 29 2023, 1653 PST (UTC+8)
New blogpost on Internrant and added an "inlink" section on the homepage as I continue to figure out how to use the rest of the empty space on my homepageAugust 28 2023, 0415 PST (UTC+8)
Added an "Outlinks" section to showcase some neat stuff while doing kickflips on my flying keyboard like that one kid on that book about the internet except I'm WAY cooler and SALLY likes me MORE!!!August 27 2023, 1152 PST (UTC+8)
New blog post on Internrant and Novel. Also added a few links to the index page.August 26 2023, 0951 PST (UTC+8)
Added the gallery! It kind of sucks right now, so its more of a proof of concept at the moment. I'll try to spice it up when I have the time.August 25 2023, 1752 PST (UTC+8)
New blog post on Cascadia. Thinking of uploading some artwork tomorrow.August 25 2023, 0116 PST (UTC+8)
Updated the blog and added a few more thingsAugust 24 2023, 1544 PST (UTC+8)
Decided I wanted to have a Neocities page. Still working on all the other stuff atm.Other Sites
BonAHNSa - My other website for the NEOTOKYO server I host and operate. Sometimes doubles as a file host.Dennoverse Wiki - The Wiki for my fictional world. No longer on Fandom.
Meet the Webmaster
Name: DennoginReal Name: Guess :3
Birthday: May 6, 1999 (I'm 25)
Commissions: Yes, Click here
Contact: thedennogin@gmail.com
Feel free to chat with me!
December 29 2023 @ 1634 PST"Damn babe, that pussy be smelling like the Home Depot gardening section."
November 19 2023 @ 1703 PST
I have a song stuck in my head but I don't know the title or the lyrics >:0
October 13 2023 @ 1659 PST
Doing the best I can!
September 23 2023 @ 1957 PST
If anyone is interested/cares I have a new video up on my YouTube channel
September 19 2023 @ 2033 PST
Its starting to get to be that time of year for me again; a power outage lasts days or even weeks for people as remote as I am. If I disappear for a few days that's why, if you're concerned just drop a nice message for me when I get back on the Wired :)
September 17 2023 @ 0488 PST
Chrome won't let me connect to the neocities front page for some reason, think its about time I migrate to a new browser
September 11 2023 @ 1654 PST
Intermittent fasting for 16 hours and all I can hear is the fucking timer from 24
September 5 2023 @ 0346 PST
Going through a rough patch right now sorry if updates are infrequent
September 1 2023 @ 1904 PST
Power was out all day, caught up on some well needed sleep
Aug 30 2023 @ 0340 PST
I've been thinking about the Xbox Original dashboard, I want to make my site look like that but idk how ;-;
Aug 29 2023 @ 0550 PST
If everyone calls their site their "own corner of the web" then what the hell kind of geometry problem are we dealing with here
Aug 28 2023 @ 1531 PST
Its finally cooling down up here, it hasn't rained in months and the petrichor smells heavenly. Hope it stays like this so I can finally get back to working out!
Aug 27 2023 @ 2041 PST
Just realized there's horizontal scrolling in the novel blog section for some reason ;w;

Click here for boner jams(Opens new tab)
Click Here for my "Song/Album Of The Whatever"
Updated December 12, 2023 archive

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Denno's novel
Where Dennogin talks about his novel, usually about the struggles of his characters or his struggle on putting pen to paper, whichever comes first (its usually the latter)

The Internrant
Where Dennogin rambles about computers talking to eachother with tin cans and thousands of miles of fiber optic cable
Look at this neat rock I found on the information superhighway.
If I like it and doesn't have an 88x34 it ends up here!
Name/Hyperlink | Description | Added here |
POC||GTFO | An archive of the instructional PDF Proof of Concept or Get The Fuck Out. Essentially an open journal that hackers, phreakers and freaks contribute to, it (probably) won't teach you anything illegal but it does show some neat things for those willing to think outside the box and take things that aren't broken, break them, and make them better. Its aesthetic is also a vibe, I own the first two volumes as a physical copy. | Sep 21 2023 |
AdNauseam | Sand off your digital fingerprint and raise (or, well, lower) it as a middle finger to ad agencies, this plugin automatically clicks on ads in the background so it registers a benign interest, confusing ad industries that would otherwise write you off as using an ad blocker, making them waste money trying to market to you. You know its good when Google removed it from their webstore and actively makes it harder for users to install it on Chrome. | Sep 21 2023 |
OSINT Resources | A Neocities site listing numerous OSINT and OPSEC resources among various other "hackery" things. I kind of find it easier to use over the OSINT Framework but they both have their uses. If this site had a button I'd add it to the wall, OSINT should be a skill everyone knows. | Sep 21 2023 |
ÖNGEZELL | A website that made me audibly say "Holy shit", then after the wow factor faded I said this. | Sep 21 2023 |
The Lichform Conspiracy | Some goofy project I made to help my mom with GISH, looks more Geocities than my homepage does. | Aug 28 2023 |
The End of the Internet | The very absolute end of the internet... well, one of them, find the others! | Aug 28 2023 |
The Mod Archive | Probably the main collection of Mod/Tracker/Amiga songs on the web, some even dating back to '93! | Aug 28 2023 |
WebcamXP 5 Tomfoolery | One of numerous examples as to why everything shouldn't rely on the web. These IOT webcams open a public facing webpage when improperly configured. Most aren't even passworded. NOTE: Not for the feint of heart, you can look at interesting or downright disgusting things with this. Just avoid "Littlehook" and you will be okay. Note: I do not provide this knowledge with the intent to harass or cause harm to the owners and/or people on the other end of the camera, but to raise awareness of the inherent vulnerabilities that IOT manufacturers neglect to fix for the sake of profit. I will not be held responsible for any dumb things you do regarding this. Do NOT attempt to break into secure cams/systems requiring a password, and do NOT attempt to use an unsecured webcam as a springboard into a private network. |
Aug 28 2023 |
The Opensky Network | If you're like me and live in an area with a lot of military air traffic, constantly have a nice quiet day ruined by a rich midlife crisis douche doing laps over your house, or just interested in aviation, OpenSky has information on air traffic pretty much everywhere around the globe. Unlike most alternatives, this doesn't have very many paywalls. Even then, its best to cross reference with another resource such as ADSB Exchange. | Aug 28 2023 |
Marine Traffic | Basically the same thing as OpenSky, but for marine vessels. | Aug 28 2023 |
Stenge.info | A website ran by an engineering graduate which catalogues various interesting phreaks/hacks/computer tricks, such as mobile phone codes. | Aug 28 2023 |
Level Design References | Whether you're into level design or need inspiration for backgrounds and other stuff, this site contains over 60,000 (!!!) images of numerous different games with varying aesthetics to suit your needs. | Aug 28 2023 |
WebSDR | Many open SDR (Software Defined Radio) instances around the world that you can listen to. Ranging from pop hits on FM stations to active military channels, your options depend on which location you choose, though primarily your best bet is the Twente station at the very top. Its an excellent way to get into the world of HAM radio. | Aug 28 2023 |
IANA Port Number Registry | An exhaustive list of EVERY assignable port number, categorized by transport protocol, port number, service name, and even assignee. It also comes in a text document if you prefer that. | Aug 28 2023 |
Morbi augue elit, tincidunt sit amet sapien a, pulvinar ornare odio. Donec mi leo, viverra nec neque vitae, sodales porttitor eros. Curabitur sit amet feugiat quam. In facilisis, nisl vitae dignissim malesuada, nisl augue posuere erat, at egestas metus ligula vel eros. Donec sem dui, feugiat nec massa ac, ullamcorper ultricies nibh. Quisque urna felis, consequat feugiat volutpat et, blandit in nunc. Ut ut interdum nunc, nec luctus magna. Mauris at euismod ex, eget bibendum lacus. Integer tempus mollis sapien, ac pharetra sem vulputate et. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur interdum est vitae nulla interdum interdum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam aliquam lacus ac urna consequat maximus. Aliquam ullamcorper tortor mauris, non laoreet urna varius non.